Legends Sevens

Laws of the Game

It is each team manager’s responsibility to ensure that his players know the laws. Every player should
familiarize themselves with these laws.

Health & Safety
The health and safety of all of our members, executives, and officials is paramount. If you feel unwell, we ask that you not participate until the symptoms have disappeared.

Please refrain from spitting on the playing surface or anywhere on the turf. If you must spit, please use a waste receptacle or go outside.

Law 1. Equipment
a. Shin guards are mandatory and must be worn by all players, with socks covering the entire shin guard.
b. Only flat soled indoor or turf boots, or multi studded outdoor boots may be worn by players
participating in Legends Sevens.
c. Screw-in studded boots are not permitted on the artificial turf field. Any players wearing this type of
boot, will be instructed by the referee to leave the game.
d. All outfield players must wear a numbered league-provided jersey. The goalkeeper’s jersey must be of
a different colour to all other players in the game.
e. Legends Sevens will provide a game ball to the referee prior to kick off.
f. Any player who has a hard wrist or arm cast will not be permitted to play.
g. Knee braces will be permitted provided they appear safe, stable, and meet the referee’s approval.
h. Players may not wear watches or jewelry. Goalkeepers may wear a soft brim hat, but outfield players may not wear a hat.
i. Players may choose to wear a face mask however they are not mandatory.

Law 2. Kick off
a. Each team must be ready to play at least 5 minutes before kick-off
b. A coin flip will decide which team kicks-off in the first half. Teams will switch ends at half time.

Law 3. Duration of game
a. Games will consist of 2 x 25-minute halves.
b. Time cannot be stopped for any reason, it is running time.
c. The half-time break will be 2 - 5 minutes in duration.
d. All teams must be ready to play at the scheduled kick-off time. If a team (or both) is not ready to
commence play at the scheduled kick-off time, or at the beginning of the second half, the Referee will
start the time.
e. Any team unable to field the minimum number of players, per Law 4 [b], beyond 5 minutes past its
kickoff time, will forfeit the match.

Law 4. Number of players
a. Each game will be 7 aside (6 outfield players and 1 goalkeeper).
b. Teams are required to have a minimum of 5 players (including goalkeeper) on the field to start or
continue the game.
c. If a team has too many players on the field during play, then the referee can caution any player on the
offending team.

Law 5. Substitutions
a. Substitutions are unlimited and may take place at any time, including "on the fly".
b. A player being substituted must leave the field in the general area of their own team bench.
c. Substitutes must enter the game in the general area of their own team bench.
d. An illegal substitution will result in an indirect free kick to the opponents where the ball was last
e. Repeated disregard of the substitution process could result in a caution to the offending player.

Law 6. Kick-Ins
a. When the ball crosses the touchline, the game will restart with a kick-in to the opponents of the team
who last touched the ball when it was in play.
b. The kick in will be taken from the location where the ball exited the field of play. The ball must be
stationary and on the touchline.
c. All opposing players must be a minimum of 5 metres from the ball at a kick in.
d. Failure to give an opponent the proper distance at a kick in can result in a caution.
e. A goalkeeper may not handle a ball that is passed to him deliberately by a teammate from a kick in. f. The player taking the kick in cannot touch the ball a second time before another player has played the
ball. If he/she does so, an indirect free kick will be awarded to the opponents.

Law 7. Goal Kicks
a. When the attacking team plays the ball over the goal line and a goal is not scored then the game is
restarted with a goal kick.
b. Goal kicks are to be taken anywhere within the goal area.
c. The ball is in play when it has been kicked and moves.
d. If the goalkeeper or a defending player takes the goal kick before all attackers are obviously retreating
outside of the penalty area, the ball is considered in play.
f. If the goalkeeper or a defending player takes the goal kick, and any attacker(s) are obviously not
retreating outside of the penalty area, and the ball is touched first by an attacking player, play will be
stopped and the goal kick shall be retaken.
g. The kicker cannot touch the ball a second time before another player has touched the ball. If he/she
does so the attacking team is awarded an indirect free kick from the spot of the second touch.
h. A goal can be scored directly from a goal kick but only against the opposing team.

Law 8. Corner Kicks
a. When the defending team plays the ball over the goal line and a goal is not scored, then the game will
restart with a corner kick.
b. The player taking the corner kick cannot play the ball a second time before another player has touched
the ball. If he/she does so an indirect free kick will be awarded to the opponents.
c. All opposing players must be a minimum of 5 metres from the ball at a corner kick.

Law 9. Goals
a. A goal may be scored from anywhere on the field of play with the following exceptions:
i) A goal cannot be scored directly from a kick-off, indirect free kick, or kick-in.
ii) Goalkeepers cannot score by throwing the ball into their opponent’s net.

Law 10. Free kicks
a. For 2022-2023, we are re-establishing Direct Free Kicks. All free kicks (Direct or Indirect) will be
awarded based on FIFA standards.
b. Opposing players must be a minimum of 5 metres from the ball for a free kick. Outstretched legs into
the 5-metre area are considered encroachment and may result in a yellow card for the guilty player. c. Slide tackling is not permitted. An indirect free-kick will be awarded outside the penalty area and a
penalty kick will be awarded to the opposing team when a slide tackle has occurred inside the penalty
area. Sliding to save a ball from going out of play or in the goal, which does not constitute a "tackle" or
endanger an opposing player in any way, is permitted.
d. The drop ball requirement has been removed to reduce handling of the ball and has been converted to
an indirect free kick. If the drop ball is inside the penalty area after hitting the Referee, the ball
automatically goes to the Goalkeeper. The Referee leaves the ball on the ground, and the Goalkeeper
picks it up

Law 11. Penalty kick
a. A penalty kick will be awarded when a player commits an offence in his/her own penalty area that
results in the award of a direct free kick.
b. All players except the kicker and goalkeeper, must be behind the ball and outside the penalty area and
the penalty arc before the penalty kick is taken.
c. The ball is to be placed in the centre of the goal 8 metres from the goal line. The edge of the penalty
area is 10 metres from the goal line

Law 12. Cautions
a. A player who is cautioned will be shown a yellow card.
b. The player receiving a yellow card will leave the field for two-minutes (based on the referee’s time),
forcing his/her team to play shorthanded for that time. If the opposing team scores before the two
minutes has expired, the penalty is considered served and the player can return to play. The Referee will
signal when the two-minute penalty has been served.
c. If a defending player performs an action, which is punishable by a penalty kick and receives a caution,
he/she will leave the field of play to serve a 2-minute penalty. The two minutes will not commence until
the penalty kick has been completed. If a goal is scored on the penalty kick, the two-minute penalty is
considered served and the player can return to the field of play. If the penalty kick is saved or misses the
goal, the two-minute penalty will commence at this time and the offender’s team will play shorthanded.
The Referee will signal when the two-minute penalty has been served.
d. If a substitute or team official is cautioned, their team will not have to play shorthanded or serve a
two-minute penalty.
e. A team who has a player shown the yellow card for leaving the field of play illegally will not have to
serve a 2-minute penalty. The player is deemed off the field of play, and is now a substitute and will
simply have a yellow card noted against their name.

Law 13. Dismissals
a. A player who is dismissed will be shown a red card. The player must immediately leave the field of play
and exit the facility. The game will not restart until the player has left the field of play. The player's team
will play shorthanded for 5 minutes. The referee will indicate when the 5-minute penalty is served.
b. A coach or team official who is dismissed from the game must leave the facility for the duration of the
c. If a player, coach or team official that has been dismissed disturbs the continuation of the game, the
Referee can terminate the game immediately.
d. If a substitute (on the bench) or a team official is dismissed, their team will not have to play
shorthanded. The dismissed individual must leave the facility for the duration of the game

Law 14. Offside
a.      There is no offside in the 7 v 7 game